Join us for an evening for community advocacy for justice in a changing climate!
Climate justice calls us to reduce the unequal harms of climate change, provide equitable benefits from climate solutions, and not only involve but center affected communities in decision-making. It’s a mandate to not simply to decarbonize our economic systems, but to transform them.
Last year, Minnesota made groundbreaking progress towards climate justice by passing major climate, environment and transportation bills at the state legislature. This progress was made possible by organized people and our solutions. And we’ve only just begun. We still have a pro-climate majority at the state legislature and the opportunity to pass policies that will continue to advance climate justice for our communities. We know that another world is not only possible, but urgently necessary.
At this annual legislative town hall, we aim to:
- strengthen relationships between community members, advocacy organizations and Duluth legislators;
- exchange information and policy positions;
- and gain mutual understanding and expectations for the upcoming state legislative session.
This event is free and open to the public! Participants can expect a town hall style forum with prepared and moderated questions as well as an open audience Q & A. Light refreshments will be provided.

Co-hosted by: Sierra Club North Star Chapter, Minnesota Interfaith Power & Light, Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Minnesota Environmental Partnership, VoteSolar, Izaac Walton League - Duluth Chapter, Twin Ports DSA, Citizens Climate Lobby - MN Northland Chapter, Climate>Duluth, Duluth Loaves and Fishes, We Walk in Duluth, VoteSolar, SEE Change at UMD, and Green New Deal Housing.